MySAR for 15th May

Premarket levels for NF & BNF will be put before Opening Bell

Levels to watch
Nifty Future - intraday resistance are : 10841, 10855, 10870, 10885, 10905, 10920
Nifty Futue - intraday support are : 10785, 10770, 10755, 10740, 10725, 10710

Bank Nifty future - intraday
Bank Nifty future - intraday resistances are : 26525, 26570, 26615, 26660, 26705, 26745
Bank Nifty future - intraday supports are : 26385, 26340, 26295, 26255, 26210, 26165

For Positional traders : For those who trade like Investors

Weekly SAR Levels

Weekly Pivot Levels
Nifty (Future)
BankNifty (Future)

Daily MySAR Levels For Future Segment :

Daily MySAR Levels For Cash Segment :

For other Nifty 50 (future) scrips click link :


Do not enter into a trade without referring past data. It will save your trade from catching the running train.
If  the price of the scrip ran up or down too much during last few days, please please do not take fresh entry either of short or long otherwise it will be considered as catching of  running train and in such cases price in near future may move against expectations resulting into losses. Better wait for breach of MySAR_A level for fresh trade......
Patience pays...........
Presently holding Position :

Trades triggered on 15th May

Three Thumb Rules for intraday trading :
(1) Always trade only at the levels given.
(2) Keep booking profits without missing a winning opportunity.
(3) And once in profit, trail stop loss to the entry level to protect the capital funds.
Wish you all happy and profitable trading ahead……

Happy Mother's Day.

 Happy Mother's Day.
Warm gentle hands
Kind words, a soft touch
Everlasting faith
Hopeful encouragement
An all abiding Love
Good-humored advice
A pillar of strength
A deep well of wisdom
A heart that understands
The will to hold on
The courage to let go
A portrait of love
"God couldn't be everywhere, so He made mothers." While not theologically accurate, this old Jewish saying describes beautifully the significant role mothers have in our lives.

Motherhood is one of God's greatest gifts to humanity. A loving, committed mother is an indispensable person in our development. Just imagine a world without mothers. It would be a sterile place indeed. Mothers instill powerful social and nurturing characteristics in each generation. It is principally from their mothers that children learn the virtues of sacrifice, sharing, valuing others, compassion, community and a host of other interpersonal values and skills that enable humans to live together in peace.

Must be really small,
I can see it
In my
Mom’s eyes


Biologically, women are designed for self-sacrifice. When pregnant, a woman's body focuses its primary attention to nurturing that new, growing life developing within her. Her body will automatically prioritize the needs of her unborn baby. And this inherent gift for self-sacrifice isn't only biological. After her children are born, a mother will continue to sacrifice herself for the needs of her children. She will do whatever she can to assure her children have what they need.

Mothers are also designed by God to nurture. There is just no greater nurturing power on the planet than a mother. I am reminded of the closing chapters of the great biblical book of wisdom, the book of Proverbs. The book that has helped billions of people through millennia live better lives closes with a great testimonial tribute to women. That's right; the last words of the book of Proverbs don't extend praise to God, or exalt manhood. They speak of the beautiful, indispensable role that women play in God's creation. After 30 chapters of directions on living the good, godly, noble life, the great book of Proverbs closes with these words to the godly woman: "Her children rise up and bless her; Her husband also, and he praises her, saying, 'Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all.' Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her the product of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates" 

The best of all that God designed a woman to be is expressed in motherhood. Not one of us came into this world without a mother. And in these days of abortion on-demand, motherhood is a conscious, deliberate decision by a woman to enter into that noble, God-like act of loving self-sacrifice to participate with the God of all creation to bring a new life into the world -- you.


 Everything - Everywhere There is Mother

Mother’s Day is a time to be grateful and appreciate not just our mothers, but every single aspect of creation because if you look closely, there isn’t one thing in creation without which we can exist.

In the body that we carry right now , what we came out of our mother's womb is hardly there -  mostly it is gone. But today whatever the weight in kilograms we carry, it is all from our biological mother and also from mother earth. We are grateful and we appreciate both - our biological mother and mother earth. We are here because of this mother and that mother. Everything that is needed for our wellbeing is just being taken care of by the creator. Every moment, every step that we take, the planet is not giving is and breaking up. Every breath that we take, the air is not escaping from the atmosphere and denying us. All these millions of motherly or fatherly forces are working every moment for our life. So for everything that nature and people around us are providing, shouldn't we bow down to every thing in absolute gratitude....? 

If we do not appreciate this, if we have lost our consciousness completely, it is only because we are too busy with some rubbish happening in our head. 
If you look at yourself closely enough, there is not any one thing in this creation without which you can exist. So we should look upon every thing a mother. These trees, these mountains, these rivers.....these people too.

The reason why today has been fixed as Mother's Day is because otherwise people will never think of their mother. Today cultures have become like this. But if we become little more conscious, if we remind ourselves looking at the tree : "Ohh....these trees are giving me oxygen. They are supporting me every moment." If we recognize this with everything, everywhere that we walk, we find it as mother......

This Mother’s Day, I hope you will take the time to say thanks to your mother in a special way. No she isn't perfect, and no she didn't do everything right, but she gave you life. And if she is like most mothers, she sacrificed for you and did what she could to prepare you to be a loving, caring person. And to mothers, I say thank you for all you have done to prepare your children to be the good men and women of the next generation. Our world cannot make it without you. Thank you for all you do. 

Mother's love is everywhere.
