Navadurga and the 9 Forms of the Hindu Goddess Durga

Navadurga and the 9 Forms of the Hindu Goddess Durga

Navratri days are celebrated during the begining of Spring and Autumn seasons and solar prevalences. Hindu deity Shakti is worshiped throughout India during Navratri. This period is the prelude to the festive season and the air is rife with festivity.

About Goddess Durga: Goddess Durga is one of the most popular Goddess in Hindu religion. Maa Durga is a form of Shakti (Maa Lakshmi, Maa Saraswati & Maa Kali). In Sanskrit ‘Durga’ means as the one who is unbeatable and can not be defeated hence unconquerable. During the auspicious nine days of Navratri or Navratras nine forms of Goddess Durga are worshiped predominantly.

Goddess Durga forms: The revered nine forms of Goddess Durga are Shailputri, Brahmcharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandmata, Katyaini, Kaalratri, Mahagauri and Siddhatri. Devi Durga is also known as Mahishasurmardini i.e. slayer of a mighty evil buffalo demon called Mahishasur.

Navratri is celebrated with true devotion in all parts of India. Durga Puja is another name for Navratri which is celebrated with great reverence; fervor in West Bengal. The tenth day after Navratri is celebrated as Dussera or Vijayadasmi.

During the nine days of Navrarti, Maa Durga devotees conduct special puja to praise the Goddess Durga, perform aarti, Mata bhajans  & chant Nav Durga mantras or slokas in order to seek blessings of Durga Maa who protects her devotees from all the evils & mishappenings.

For Hindus, the mother goddess Durga is a very special deity, able to appear in nine different forms, each of which is endowed with unique powers and traits. Together, these nine manifestations are called Navadurga (translated as "nine Durgas").
Devout Hindus celebrate Durga and her many appellations during a nine-night festival called Navaratri, which is held in late September or early October, depending on when it falls on the Hindu lunisolar calendar. Each night of Navaratri honors one of the mother goddess' manifestations. Hindus believe ​that worshiping Durga with sufficient religious fervor will lift the divine spirit and fill them with renewed happiness. 
Read about each of the Navadurga in the order in which they are celebrated with prayer, song, and rituals during the nine nights of Navaratri.
 01 Shailaputri

Shailaputri, the first Manifestation of Durga

Navaratri begins with a night of worship and celebration in honor of Durga's avatar Shailaputri, whose name means "daughter of the mountains." Also known as Sati Bhavani, Parvati, or Hemavati, she is the daughter of Hemavana, the king of the Himalayas. Shailaputri is considered to e the purest embodiment of Durga and the mother of nature. In iconography, she is depicted riding a bull and holding a trident and a lotus blossom. The lotus represents purity and devotion, while the prongs on the trident represent the past, present, and future.

02 Brahmacharini

Brahmacharini, the Second Manifestation of Durga

On the second day of Navaratri, Hindus worship Brahmacharini, whose name means "one who practices devout austerity." She enlightens us in the magnificent embodiment of Durga with great powers and divine grace. Brahmacharini holds a rosary in her right hand, representing the special Hindu prayers recited in her honor, and a water utensil in her left hand, symbolizing marital bliss. Hindus believe she endows happiness, peace, prosperity, and grace upon all devotees who worship her. She is the way to emancipation, called Moksha.

03 Chandraghanta

The Third Manifestation of Durga, Chandraghanta

Chandraghanta is the third manifestation of Durga, representing peace, tranquility, and prosperity in life. Her name is derived from the chandra (half moon) in her forehead in the shape of a ghanta (bell). Chandraghanta is charming, has a golden bright complexion, and rides a lion. Like Durga, Chandraghanta has multiple limbs, usually 10, each holding a weapon, and three eyes. She is all-seeing and ever-vigilant, ready to battle evil from whatever direction.
 04 Kushmanda

Kushmanda, Fourth Manifestation of Durga

Kushmanda is the fourth form of the mother goddess, and her name means "creator of the universe," for she is the one who brought light to the dark cosmos. Like other manifestations of Durga, Kushmanda has multiple limbs (usually eight or 10), in which she holds weapons, glitter, a rosary, and other holy objects. The glitter is particularly significant because it represents the sparkling light that she brings to the world. Kushmanda rides a lion, symbolizing ​strength and courage in the face of adversity.
 05 Skandamata

Durga's Fifth Manifestation, Skandamata

Skandamata is the mother of Skanda or Lord Kartikeya, who was chosen by gods as their commander-in-chief in the war against the demons. She is worshipped on the fifth day of Navaratri. Emphasizing her pure and divine nature, Skanda Mata is seated on a lotus, and she has four arms and three eyes. She holds the infant Skanda in her right upper arm and a lotus in her right hand, which is slightly raised upward. With her left arm, she grants blessings to the Hindu faithful, and she holds a second lotus in her left hand. 
 06 Katyayani

The Sixth Manifestation of Durga, Katyayani

Katyayani is worshipped on the sixth day of Navaratri. Like Kalaratri, who is worshipped on the following night, Katyayani is a fearsome sight, with wild hair and 18 arms, each clutching a weapon. Born in a fit of divine rage and anger, she emits a radiant light from her body from which darkness and evil cannot hide. Despite her appearance, Hindus believe that she can bestow a sense of calm and inner peace upon all who worship her. Like Kushmanda, Katyayani rides a lion, ready at all times to confront evil.
 07 Kalaratri

Kalaratri, the Seventh Manifestation of Durga

Kalaratri is also known as Shubhamkari; her name means "one who does good." She is a fearsome-looking deity, with a dark complexion, disheveled hair, four arms, and three eyes. Lightning issues from the necklace she wears and flames shoot from her mouth. Like Kali, the goddess who destroys evil, Kaal Ratri has black skin and is worshipped as a protector of Hindu faithful, one to be both honored and feared. In her left hand, she holds a vajra, or spiked club, and a dagger, both of which she uses to fight the forces of evil. Her right hands, meanwhile, beckon to the faithful, offering them protection from darkness and allaying all fears. 
 08 Mahagauri

Mahagauri, the Eighth Manifestation of Durga

Mahagauri is worshipped on the eighth day of Navaratri. Her name, which means "extremely white," refers to her luminous beauty, which radiates from her body. Hindus believe that by paying homage to Maha Gauri, all past, present, and future sins will be washed away, imparting a deep sense of inner peace. She wears white clothes, has four arms, and rides on a bull, one of the most sacred animals in Hinduism. Her right hand is in the pose of allaying fear, and her right lower hand holds a trident. The left upper hand holds adamaru (a small tamborine or drum) while the lower one is thought to grant blessings to her devotees.
 09 Siddhidatri

Siddhidatri, the Ninth Manifestation of Durga

Siddhidatri is the final form of Durga, celebrated on the final night of Navaratri. Her name means "giver of supernatural power," and Hindus believe she bestows blessings upon all deities and devotees of the faith. Siddhidatri grants wisdom and insight to those who appeal to her, and Hindus believe that she can do the same for deities who worship her as well. Like some of Durga's other manifestations, Siddhidatri rides a lion. She has four limbs and carries a trident, a spinning disc called a Sudarshana Chakra, a conch shell, and a lotus. The conch, called a shankha, represents longevity, while the spinning disc symbolizes the soul or timelessness.

Maa Durga slokas or Navratri mantras
The word ‘Mantra’ is derived from Sanskrit word “mantrana”, which means advice or suggestion. Mantras are a method to connect to our innerself by reciting a particular mantra again and again. Chanting mantras continuously symbolically effects the chanter & listener both. The chanting of these mantras & slokas during Navratri puja will definitely give you health, wealth, prosperity and would help solve all your problems. Here we go…
Lets begin with the sacred & most loved Sanskrit verses for the Goddess…

Sarva mangala mangalye shive sarvaartha saadhike
Sharanye trayambake Gauri
Narayani namosthute

सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये à¤¶िवे à¤¸à¤°्वार्थसाधिके ।
शरण्ये à¤¤्र्यम्बके à¤—ौरि à¤¨ारायणि à¤¨à¤®ोऽस्तु à¤¤े ॥

Many of us must be knowing this sloka verse.
sarva mangala mangalye – To auspiciousness of all auspiciousness
shiva -to the Good
sarvarrtha saadhike – to the accomplisher of all objectives
sharanye – to the Source of Refuge
tryambake – to the mother of the three worlds.
Gauri – to the Goddess who is Rays of Light
Naaraayani – Exposer of consciousness
Namostute- We bow to you again and again. We worship you.

Ya devi sarva bhutesu, shanti rupena sansitha
Ya devi sarva bhutesu, shakti rupena sansthita
Ya devi sarva bhutesu, shraddha rupena sansthita
Ya devi sarva bhutesu, laxmi rupena sansthita
Ya devi sarva bhutesu, buddhi rupena sansthita
Namastasyai, namastasyai, namastasyai, namo namaha!

या à¤¦ेवी à¤¸à¤°्वभुतेषु à¤¶ान्तिरूपेण à¤¸ंस्थिता ।
या à¤¦ेवी à¤¸à¤°्वभुतेषु à¤¶à¤•्तिरूपेण à¤¸ंस्थिता ।
या à¤¦ेवी à¤¸à¤°्वभुतेषु à¤¶्रद्धारूपेण à¤¸ंस्थिता । 
या à¤¦ेवी à¤¸à¤°्वभुतेषु à¤²à¤•्ष्मीरूपेण à¤¸ंस्थिता ।  
या à¤¦ेवी à¤¸à¤°्वभुतेषु à¤¬ुद्धिरूपेण à¤¸ंस्थिता ।  
 à¤¨à¤®à¤¸्तस्यै à¤¨à¤®à¤¸्तस्यै à¤¨à¤®à¤¸्तस्यै à¤¨à¤®ो à¤¨à¤®ः ॥१२॥

The goddess who is omnipresent as the personification of universal mother
The goddess who is omnipresent as the embodiment of power
The goddess who is omnipresent as the symbol of peace
I bow to her, I bow to her, I bow to her again & again.

Ohh...! Goddess (Devi) who resides everywhere in all living beings as intelligence and beauty I salute to you. Take my salutations again and again.

Namoh devyai mahadevyai shivayai satatam namah
Namah prakrutyai bhadraayai niyataah pranataahsma taam

नमो à¤¦ेव्यै à¤®à¤¹ादेव्यै à¤¶िवायै à¤¸à¤¤à¤¤ं à¤¨à¤®ः ।
नमः à¤ª्रकृत्यै à¤­à¤¦्रायै à¤¨ियताः à¤ª्रणताः à¤¸्म à¤¤ाम् ॥१॥

Jagdamb Vichitramatra Kim Paripoorna Karunaasti Chenmayi I Aparadha Parampara Param Na Hi Mata Samupekshate Sutam II

O mother of the world Jagdamba, you are the one who looks after her children. Your love and kindness towards me is no surprise O mother goddess. Being a mother you forget all our sins and correct us without abandoning your children.

One of the most sought after mantra for Goddess Chamonda…

Mantra or sloka for Devi Annapoorna (Goddess Food)
Annapoorne sadapoorne shankarah praanavallabhe
Njana vairaagya sidhyardham bhikshaam dehi cha parvati

Om Durge Smritaa Harasi Bheeti Masesha Jantoehoe
Swasthai Smritha Mathi Matheeva Shubhaam Dadaasi
Daaridrya Dukha Bhaya Haarini Kaa twadanyaa
Sarwopakaara Karanaaya saaardra Chthaaha

Sloka or mantra for overcoming problems
Om Sharanaagata Deenaartha paritraana paraayaney
Sarwa syarthi harey devi Naraayani Namostutey

Mantra for Shakti
Om Sarwa swarupey sareshey sarwa shakthi samanwithey
Bhayebhya Straahinoe Devi Durgey devi namostuthey

Durga Stutti
Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Vishnu Maayethi Sabdita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha
Sloka Meaning: Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who dwells in all living beings as power and maya of Lord Vishnu.

Mantra for warding off all the evils & mishappenings:
Jayanti Mangala Kali, Bhadrakali Kapalini Durga Kshama Shiva Dhatri Swaha Swadha Namoastute.


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2. BNF long (intra) at 24860......................................booked at 24945(+ 85 points)

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Wish you all happy and profitable trading ahead……