Your Life .........The Greatest Investment

Time is a precious resource. Life is made up of time. When you squander time, you squander life.How would you invest this resource?

The average person invests his money in his career, business or children's education according to his priorities.There are those who lavish their resources on entertainment or building up an `image' for themselves. Those with talents, invest in them to earn money or to gain power and influence.Some with the `get-rich-quick' mentality go for gambling and other short-cuts.

“I will not just live my life ­ I will not just spend my life; I will invest my life,“ wrote Helen Keller, who, despite being born with visual and hearing challenges, made a great impact on our world! With just five dollars in her pocket and a heart full of love for God and fellow beings, Mother Teresa too started investing her life, and the poor of the world felt the impact of her compassion, as never before.

Life is a precious resource. What do we do with our lives? You are a trustee of your time, money , effort, energy, talent or abilities. God gave them to you. You did not bring them into this world, neither can you take them with you when you leave.Whatever you don't use, you lose.

For everyone, the precious life span consists of 86,400 seconds in a day . You cannot hoard it for the next day . No overdrafts, either. All the wealth in the world cannot buy you another second. That is how precious it is. How will you spend it? That is life's great question.

The majority spend it on acquisition of the good things of life: wealth, power and influence or on sensual pleasures only to discover towards the end of their existence that they were chasing shadows. God calls us to invest our time-capital our very lives ­ primarily in people, not in projects or possessions, because, only a life lived for others is worth living.

The differences between individuals get reflected in their priorities, in the way they live their lives. For a majority, self comes first; in accumulating possessions for self and family .

The less privileged deserve our attention and help. There are those who need a push, an encouraging word or guidance.When you thus invest your life in the lives of others, when you invest your life in the personalities of others, you make the wisest investment of all. When you invest your life in teaching young people to choose good over evil, to seek excellence instead of mediocrity , and to set goals worthy of their highest efforts and loftiest dreams, you enrich eternity .

When you invest your life in alleviating pain and suffering, in lending an understanding ear to the tired and discouraged, the ill and the aged, you merit a seat beside angels.

When you invest your life in lifting up the fallen, in visiting the imprisoned, in feeding the hungry , in clothing the poor, you achieve what your Creator envisioned you to become ­ a person of compassionate love, benevolence and wise generosity .

Invest your life in great ideas. “You will become,“ wrote James Allen, “as great as your dominant aspiration."

Great ideas are the seeds of immortal deeds, the fountainhead of dynamic movements and reformed individuals and societies.

(source: speaking tree)