Lessons to Learn From Failure

 Lessons To Learn From Failure

1. Why is failure good?

Why is failure good? 
When you put in a lot of effort into something, you will be naturally disappointed if it does not work out. However, there is hardly anyone in the world who has not faced failure and a big one at that – however no matter how disappointing it seems, a failure does leave you with some life-long lessons. Here are a few of them

2. You realise its not the end

You realise its not the end

Since this wasn't the end, you have something to push forward to.

3. Makes you re-think your priorities

Makes you re-think your priorities
Failure will either make you or it will break you. Once that happens, your priorities will get redefined and you will look at your aims with a clearer view.

4. It shapes you up

It shapes you up
Each failure shapes you into someone else and mostly for the better. Every time you fail, you have a point to prove and that shapes up your entire belief system.

5. Makes you more compasionate

Makes you more compasionate
Now that you have faced failure upfront, you will become more compassionate in life and will be able to deal better with people facing the same.

6. Makes you financially aware

Makes you financially aware
Failure teaches you the importance of money and rightly so - failure will tell you as to where you should spend and why you should save.

7. You will begin afresh

You will begin afresh
Failure means that the plan you were working till now is evidently not working - hence you need to re-think your approach and learn something new alongside.

8. Helps you identify your true friends

Helps you identify your true friends
When you’re succeeding, everyone wants to be around you. But, when you fail, most of those so called friends up and disappear. Failure helps you sort out the real friends from the fake ones.

9. You manage your emotions better

You manage your emotions better
You now know what rejection and disappointment feels like - and you will be able to manage it better.

10. You learn to have faith

You learn to have faith
As they say, this too shall pass. With each failure, you begin to have faith in a higher power which further strengthens your belief system.

11. You realise success takes time

You realise success takes time
Hardly anyone in the world has got it right the first time around and now, so you have to realise that to be successful, you need to be patient as well.

12. You work harder on your goals

You work harder on your goals
Obviously, if you didn't get it right the first time around, you will work harder to achieve your goals. This might take time, but its will be totally worth it.

13. You seek inspiration from others

You seek inspiration from others
When you fail, you seek out inspiration from others - these people will inspire you to do better always.

14. You manage your time better

You manage your time better
Sometimes, we fail only because we do not know how to manage time. Each failure will make you a better manager of your time.

15. You are ready to face obstacles

You are ready to face obstacles
If you can do it once, you can do it again. Obstacles don't bother you anymore and you are willing to face it all.

16. You never stop trying

You never stop trying
The word "no" is out of your dictionary and you learn to keep on trying till you succeed.

17. You become more passionate

You become more passionate
Simply because you now want this more than ever and will go to any lengths to achieve it.

18. You know where you lack

You know where you lack
Depending on how big that failure was, you lose either a major chunk or a small piece of your precious ego. Once that ego is shattered as a result of failure, you begin to recognize your bad habits.

19. You learn to never give up

You learn to never give up
Since you will not stop at anything apart from winning, you learn to never give up on your dreams.
