1. NF STBT @ 7835 & 7767 ……covered at 7787 (+ 28 points)
2. NF (2L) shorted at
7781 …….covered at 7761 (+ 20 points)
3. NF long (intraday) at
7785 .....booked at 7805
(+ 20 points)
4. NF (2L) short at 7785 ………covered at 7764
(+ 21
5. NF shorts of
7781 …………covered at 7745
(+ 36 points)
6. NF shorts of
7785……..........carried as stbt
gain……………….……..(+ 125 points)
1. BNF STNT @ 16618 &
16525………………….covered at 16545 (- 53 points)
2. BNF long at 16572………………………………….booked
at 16545 (- 27 points)
3. BNF (2L) short at 16539………………………….covered
at 16497 (+ 42 points)
4. BNF shorts of 16539……………………………….covered
at 16565 (- 26 points)
5. BNF (2L) short at 16525………………………….covered
at 16485 (+ 40 points)
6. BNF long at 16515………………………….………booked
at 16560 (+ 45 points)
7. BNF long of 16565…………………………….……booked
at 16620 (+ 55 points)
8. BNF (2L) short at 16557………………………....covered
at 16460 (+ 97 points)
9. BNF short at 16445…………………………………covered
at 16405 (+ 40 points)
10. BNF shorts of 16557……………….....carried as STBT
Total gain ………………………………...…(+
213 points)